Latitude Property Australia

Housing Demand

Beyond the Breaking Point: Australia’s Housing Shortfall Exceeds 200,000

Investigating the challenges and potential solutions for the housing crisis. As the housing market continues to evolve, it's crucial to stay informed about the factors influencing property availability and affordability. Recent data reveals that Australia's housing undersupply has surpassed 200,000 dwellings, a significant milestone that has widespread implications for the property market.

1.2 Million New Homes and an Increased Workforce of 90,000 Construction Workers Urgently Required

Edit Column Australia is on the brink of a housing and construction crisis. With the rising demand for housing and the growth of urban areas, the country faces the urgent need to build 1.2 million new homes by 2030. To meet this ambitious goal, an additional 90,000 construction workers will be required, highlighting the significant workforce gap in the industry.

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